Permaculture Ethics:
Care of Earth,
Care of People,
Return of Surplus to Earth and People.
Imagine if we removed IN GOD WE TRUST from out money… Imagine if our minds stopped being tricked into equating poverty with unworthiness and wealth as the choses… Imagine if…
Before McCarthy era nut-jobs inserted the corruption of their God into our system of exchange our bills our founding fathers had had the words E Pluribus Unum added. The One in the Many or the Many in the One. It was suposed to represent how the thirteen original colonies came together to form a Union but E Pluribus Unum does more than that, it defines what a monetary system should do. A monetary system is in place to honor the energy exchange of the many, not just to reward the power and greed of a few.
No one makes money in a vacuum, be it laborer, resources, inheritance, investments, inventions or creativity expressed, money does not just appear. Usually these days one party pools a lot of money through the exploits planetary resources and the hard work of many. The system does not support the many. The teacher who educates and inspires the next Steve Wozniak or Bill Gates will likely live their life pay-check to paycheck. Our farmers take huge risks and work hard, whether has become more extreme increasing risk. In my work as an Organic Inspector I audited the books I saw what the farmers were paid but also exposed deducted but the handlers and packing houses, basically all expenses were paid by the farmers. Most were luck to break even. On the handler/Packing house side I saw the millions banked, even when crop production was low and farmers were taking a beating. These days shareholders can sue a company for paying too high a salary if they think it cuts into their profits. The system is set up for the ONE not the many, the few are the chosen by the God of Capitalism. It’s no wonder we see a rise in Atheism.
We can fix this. The time has come to retire the God of money. Time to Remove IN GOD WE TRUST from out means of exchange. Time to expand and exult E Pluribus Unum. Time to put the MANY onto a place of easy visual affirmation on our currency. Remember: words have power. Time to put the MANY back into politics and the decision making for out National rescues. Time for the many into join in the policy-making needed to address climate change. First step, Take God out of the equation. Trust the Many in the One, and the One in the Many. #EPLURIBUSUNUM #EndInGodWeTrust